
I want a new reptile.

How do I start?

If you are looking to adopt a reptile, we suggest contacting Hernando Reptile and Exotics Rescue and Santucci Small Animal And Reptile Rescue. If you need help researching proper pet care or need product recommendations, please contact us to request a customized guide for your reptile of interest! 


I have supplies that I no longer need.

Will you take them?

Absolutely, we are always in need of extra supplies! Please contact us with details of your item(s) so that we can coordinate further. 


My reptile is sick / injured.

What do I do?

Contact your nearest exotic veterinary office immediately. We are not medical professionals of any kind. If you live within the Tampa Bay area, we highly recommend visiting the Citrus Park Animal Hospital


I need to get rid of my reptile.

Where do I go?

Please search for reptile or exotic animal rescues local to your area. Our sanctuary is not currently open for animal intake. If you would like to personally find your pet a new home, you can try using the online adoption referral service called Rescue Me


I found a reptile, not sure if it is someone's pet.

Will you come get it?

Our sanctuary does not take in stray animals (i.e. reptiles found outside/on your property) and we are not authorized to assist in wildlife removal. Please call your local Humane Society or SPCA for recommendations, or search for an expert or organization in your area who specializes in reptile removal. 


I want to show my support for your cause.

What are my options?

As a nonprofit organization, we are open to accepting contributions via PayPal, Venmo, Patreon, or our Amazon Wishlist. You may also shop our merchandise on Redbubble and TeeSpring. If you have extra reptile supplies (i.e. tanks, food, hides, substrate, etc) please contact us so we can arrange further details with you. 


My company wants to collaborate with you. 

How do we start?

Contact us with your interests! From brand representation to product reviews to shoutouts on socials – we love working with other individuals/organizations who share our passion in quality reptile care. 

Contact Form: